Charleston, WV Car Accident Attorney

Getting into a car accident in Charleston, West Virginia can change your life in multiple ways. You may have suffered a severe injury or lost a beloved member of your family in the crash. At Bailey & Glasser, LLP, we offer legal representation to individuals and families after harmful car accidents. Our attorneys care about their clients and can help you understand your rights, file a claim and pursue the results that you deserve. Contact us today, to begin with a free car accident case consultation.

Why Choose Us?

  • Our law firm consists of 27 Ivy League and Top 20 Law School graduates. We are aggressive litigants who are prepared to go to trial on your behalf, if necessary.
  • Our car accident lawyers have over 100 years of combined experience. We have obtained more than $2 billion in settlements and judgment awards for our clients.
  • We operate on a contingency fee basis, meaning we will only charge attorney’s fees for your case if we succeed in securing you financial compensation.

Why Hire a Car Accident Attorney?

The legal process of recovering from a car accident can be complex. Car insurance companies are not on your side. They want to protect their own profits and bottom lines, not their clients. This can make it difficult to receive the financial compensation that you deserve for your medical bills and property damage without assistance from a car accident attorney.

A lawyer can help you understand your legal options and negotiate with a car insurance company on your behalf. Your attorney will have in-depth knowledge of West Virginia’s complicated car accident laws and regulations, as well as experience going up against insurance corporations. The ability to go to trial can also lead to greater financial compensation for your injuries.

Types of Car Accident Cases We Handle

From investigating your crash and determining fault to guiding your family through the claims process, you can trust a car accident lawyer with every aspect of your case while you focus on healing.

At Bailey & Glasser, LLP, we accept the following types of car accident cases:

  • Bicycle or pedestrian accidents
  • Car and SUV accidents
  • Chain reaction accidents
  • Commercial truck accidents
  • Delivery truck accidents
  • Distracted driving accidents
  • Drunk driving accidents
  • Hit-and-runs
  • Motorcycle accidents
  • Rear-end collisions
  • T-bone collisions
  • Texting while driving
  • Uninsured or underinsured motorists

After any type of motor vehicle accident in Charleston, find out how we can help. Our lawyers can review your case, listen to your story, and explain your legal options in detail based on the circumstances.

Is West Virginia a No-Fault State?

No, West Virginia is not a no-fault car insurance state. It is an at-fault or tort state, meaning the driver or party who is at fault for a car crash is responsible for paying for related costs. After a car accident, you will file a claim with the insurance company of the at-fault party. This is most often the other driver, but could also be a third party, such as the driver’s employer, a vehicle manufacturer, or the government. You or your attorney will have to prove that this party is to blame for the crash to recover compensation. In a no-fault state, on the other hand, both drivers seek compensation from their own insurance providers, regardless of fault.

Compensation for a Car Accident

A successful car accident claim in West Virginia could result in a settlement or judgment award that reimburses you for various losses as an injured victim.

You may be compensated for the following:

  • Past and future medical expenses
  • Disability costs
  • Lost wages
  • Property damage
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Out-of-pocket costs

The value of your case will depend on the specific circumstances, such as the severity of your injury and the insurance coverage available.

Steps to Take After a Car Accident in Charleston

If you get involved in a car crash, you may be feeling frightened and overwhelmed. Try to remain calm and take certain steps to preserve your rights and start building your insurance claim. Insurance companies check to see what claimants did (and failed to do) after a car accident to determine eligibility for benefits.

If you can, take the following steps:

  1. Stop immediately at the scene. Pull over in a safe location and check yourself and others involved in the crash for injuries.
  2. Call 911. State law mandates that you report any car accident that causes injury, death, or property damage of at least $1,000.
  3. Exchange information. Write down the other driver’s name, contact information, insurance information, vehicle description, and license plate numbers.
  4. Take photographs. Use your cell phone to get pictures and video footage of the scene of the car accident before you leave.
  5. Go to a hospital. Do not delay in seeking medical care for your injuries. Request copies of your medical records and treatment documents.
  6. Report the accident. Notify your car insurance company of the car accident. If you believe the other driver is at fault, file a claim with his or her car insurance company.
  7. Consult with an attorney. Before signing anything or accepting an insurance settlement, contact an attorney at Bailey & Glasser, LLP to discuss your case.

Do not admit fault for the car accident or speak to anyone about the crash other than the police. Do not post about it on social media. While a car insurance company investigates the crash, keep your answers to questions short and simple. This can prevent the insurer from being able to twist your words around and use them against you to deny coverage. Before accepting a settlement, contact a lawyer for counsel.

Free Car Accident Case Reviews at Bailey & Glasser, LLP

If you have been involved in a car accident in Charleston, West Virginia, seek the advice of a car accident attorney as soon as possible. Contact Bailey & Glasser, LLP to schedule a free, no-obligation case evaluation. Our law firm has handled over 3,000 cases nationwide. We have a thorough understanding of car accident claims and what our clients need. We can help you and your family pick up the pieces and move forward after a devastating motor vehicle collision.

At Bailey & Glasser, LLP, our commitment to justice extends beyond car accident cases. We’re proud to offer comprehensive legal services across a range of areas that include wrongful death, medical malpractice, and birth injuries. Our skilled attorneys strive to advocate for victims and their families who’ve experienced profound loss or harm due to others’ negligence. Whether you’re dealing with the heart-wrenching aftermath of a wrongful death or confronting the challenges posed by medical malpractice or birth injuries, our team is here to support and guide you toward achieving justice.

Learn more about how we can help. Call (304) 345-6555 to speak to an attorney at no cost. Our Charleston law office is located at 209 Capitol Street, Charleston, WV 25301.